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- Date: Mon, 25 Apr 94 01:03:45 PDT
- From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup <info-hams@ucsd.edu>
- Errors-To: Info-Hams-Errors@UCSD.Edu
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- Precedence: Bulk
- Subject: Info-Hams Digest V94 #455
- To: Info-Hams
- Info-Hams Digest Mon, 25 Apr 94 Volume 94 : Issue 455
- Today's Topics:
- Amateur Radio Newsline #871 22 Apr 94
- Callserver
- Dangerous RF/Microwave fields
- SWR & Power Loss (2 msgs)
- Yaesu FT-530 - MANUAL
- Send Replies or notes for publication to: <Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu>
- Send subscription requests to: <Info-Hams-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>
- Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
- Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available
- (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams".
- We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
- herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
- policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 24 Apr 1994 19:39:33 MDT
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!library.ucla.edu!psgrain!nntp.cs.ubc.ca!alberta!ve6mgs!usenet@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: Amateur Radio Newsline #871 22 Apr 94
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- The electronic publication of the Amateur Radio Newsline is distributed
- with the permission of Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, President and Editor of
- Newsline. The text version is edited from the original scripts and
- transcribed from the audio reports by Dale Cary, WD0AKO, and is first
- published in The Radio & Electronics Round Table on the Genie Online
- System.
- If you have any comment, suggestion, or news item you would like to submit,
- send them via E-Mail to 3241437@mcimail.com or B.PASTERNAK@genie.geis.com.
- You can contact Newsline at +1 805-296-7180. It is a combination answering
- and FAX machine, if you have a FAX to send, wait for the voice prompt and
- press your fax-send button.
- All other information and disclaimers are in the text header below.
- - - - - - - - -
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- (***************************************************************)
- The following is late news about Amateur Radio for Radio
- Amateurs as prepared from NEWSLINE RADIO scripts by the staff of
- NETWORK. For current information updates, please call
- Audio Version of Newsline
- =========================
- Los Angeles............................ (213) 462-0008
- Los Angeles (Instant Update Line)...... (805) 296-2407
- Seattle................................ (206) 368-3969
- Seattle................................ (206) 281-8455
- Tacoma................................. (206) 927-7373
- Louisville............................. (502) 894-8559
- Dayton................................. (513) 275-9991
- Chicago................................ (708) 289-0423
- New York City.......................... (718) 353-2801
- Melbourne, FL.......................... (407) 259-4479
- Electronic Hardcopy Version of Newsline
- =======================================
- GEnie (RTC Bulletin Board)............. m345;1
- GEnie (File Library)................... m345;3
- Dallas Remote Imaging BBS (DRIG)....... (214) 492-7573
- In bulletin number 36
- The Midwest Connection BBS............. (701) 239-2440
- In bulletin number 6 of the ham radio conference
- Delphi.................................
- In the ham radio conference
- Internet...............................
- In the rec.radio.info newsgroup
- FTP: oak.oakland.edu, file: pub/hamradio/docs/newsline
- Fidonet, RIME, Intellec, I-Link........
- In the Ham Radio conference of those networks
- For the latest breaking info call the Instant Update Line listed
- above. To provide information please call (805) 296-7180. This
- line answers automatically and will accept up to 30 minutes of
- material.
- Check with your local amateur radio club to see if NEWSLINE
- can be heard weekly on the air in your area.
- Articles may be reproduced if printed in their entirety and
- credit is given to AMATEUR RADIO NEWSLINE as being the source.
- For further information about the AMATEUR RADIO NEWSLINE,
- please write to us with an SASE at P.O. Box 463, Pasadena, CA
- 91102.
- Thank You,
- (****************************************************************
- Some of the hams of NEWSLINE RADIO...
- and many others in the United States and around the globe!!!
- (****************************************************************
- [871]
- The following is a QST
- Can a new Fairness Doctrine impact on ham radio and will the
- ARRL get its way on vanity call signs? Find out on Newsline
- report number 871!
- (*****
- Bowing to extensive White House demands, congress is again
- pressuring the FCC to reinstate the "fairness doctrine" and to
- expand it past its original intent. Because of the latter some
- hams want Amateur Radio discussion groups included. Heres the
- story.
- The fairness doctrine was an FCC regulation repealed in 1987
- which required broadcasters to air both sides of a controversial
- issue. According to a report in the trade publication Daily
- Variety, a Federal Communications Commission staffer confirmed the
- agency is getting "heat" from Capitol Hill on the issue, although
- the aide would not identify the lawmakers involved. Radio -
- Television News Directors Association president David Bartlett
- asserts that the pressure is coming from Rep. John Dingell.
- Dinghall is the powerful Democratic chairman of the House Energy
- and Commerce Committee and is believed to be acting in concert
- with the president and his staff.
- Not reported in Variety is a strange Amateur Radio connection
- in all of this. It now seems that several hams involved in long
- running 75 and 20 meter debate net activities believe it is
- important to include on-the-air amateur Radio discussions under
- the terms of any new Fairness Doctrine. Anyone listening above
- 3850 KHz or 14.300 MHz is already aware that this small but vocal
- group of hams feel that they have a constitutional right to have
- their views on various issues known to all of Amateur Radio using
- their ham stations as a broadcast platform. Some are already
- believed to be lobbying their local congressional representatives
- for inclusion of private radio service communications in any new
- Fairness Doctrine legislation.
- In 1987, the FCC under then-chairman Dennis Patrick repealed
- the fairness doctrine on grounds that it could no longer be
- justified in an era of cable TV and other burgeoning media
- outlets. A congressional effort to codify the regulation died
- when proponents failed to muster enough votes to override
- President Reagan's veto.
- Most congressional observers expected Congress would easily
- reinstate the rule following the election of President Clinton in
- 1992. But the effort died last year after Rush Limbaugh and other
- radio talk show hosts engineered a well-organized effort to kill
- the proposal. If the Fairness Doctrine is ever reinstated, the
- inclusion of Amateur Radio and other personal communications
- services is doubtful because none fall under the purview of any
- broadcast related FCC rules. But that does not seem to be enough
- of a reason to convince proponents of including ham radio
- communications in a new Fairness Doctrine from trying. Stay
- tuned. This one is not over yet.
- (*****
- Over the past several weeks Newsline has reported on legal
- action by Southern California's Claremont Amateur Radio
- Association to bar several radio amateurs from the clubs
- repeaters. One of the people who was the target of a CLARA
- restraining order is Drew Feldman, N3KSO. Newsline had the
- opportunity to talk to Feldman to get his perspective on the legal
- action taken against him. The comments that follow express
- Feldman's point of view.
- Interestingly Feldman is not as upset with the Clarmont Amateur
- Radio Club as he is with the attorney that is representing the
- organization, Sid Radus, N6OMS.
- "The first order of business of Southern California's Repeater
- Coordinating Committee was to close a repeater that had been
- coordinated open going on two decades. The repeater, high level,
- blanketing most of southern California with great coverage was
- originally coordinated properly open. But with no consideration
- for its large user group, its own rules, the FCC guidelines, no
- notice of this action was taken by Sid Radus, the new TASMA
- President. This is the same Sidney Radus that brought hams to
- court in an attempt to control the user group of the very same
- machine. A conflict of interest is obvious. I'm one of two
- amateurs that as of late has been caught up in this mess. There
- have been three cases prior, and I know of two more scheduled in
- the near future." Drew Feldman, N3KSO.
- Obviously Feldman's point of view differs from that of the
- Claremont Amateur Radio Club and is members. He is aware of the
- mistake made by the court in accepting an older version of section
- 97.113 in denying a change of venue request. Its now up to him
- and Anthony Cardines, WA6IGJ to go forward with any appeal.
- A more in-depth interview with N3KSO has been conducted by RAIN
- Producer Hap Holly, KC9RP. That report will be on the RAIN
- Dial-Up in a few weeks.
- (*****
- What would you say if you learned that the FCC was going to
- delegate the overall administration of the United States Amateur
- Radio Service to the American Radio Relay League, the National
- Amateur Radio Association or maybe even Sears Roebuck? You would
- probably be more than a bit shocked. So imagine the way hams in
- Canada must be feeling after learning that the Canadian government
- and the national society Radio Amateurs Canada have formed a
- working group aimed at turning the administration of the Canadian
- Amateur Radio Service over to the national society.
- According to Fred Maia's W5YI Report, if the details are worked
- out and approved by Parliament, Radio Amateurs in Canada could
- wind up managing the certification and documentation of all
- aspects of the service, the examination and licensing of all
- applicants for ham radio licenses and overall control of the
- Amateur Radio spectrum within Canada and its possessions. In
- fact, word out of Ottawa is that the government is even
- considering delegating every aspect of the Canadian Amateur Radio
- service to Radio Amateurs of Canada. This would give the RAC wide
- ranging pseudo government powers to maintain examination
- questions, approve amateur service examiners, issue call signs and
- perform Amateur Radio spectrum surveillance to assure that all
- Canadian hams were abiding by the service rules. Such an
- agreement would also give the Radio Amateurs of Canada exclusivity
- in the publishing and distribution of all documents related to the
- Canadian Amateur Radio service.
- The working group is expected to take at least a year before
- it arrives at any definitive agreement. If an accord can be
- reached it could set an example that other nations may emulate,
- worldwide.
- (*****
- The ARRL's Executive Committee has approved the recommendations
- of the Ad Hoc Committee on Preferred Call Signs in preparation for
- the ARRL's filing of formal comments in PR Docket 93-305, the
- FCC's Vanity call sign proposal.
- The committee report says that all amateurs should be eligible
- for participation in the program. A phase-in period and priority
- system of what the League calls gates should be adopted to allow
- the Commission relief from the administrative burden expected from
- the heavy initial submission of applications, and to afford
- licensees the opportunity to regain lost call signs. Included in
- the first gate would be those who wish to obtain the call sign of
- a direct family member. Clubs with lapsed club licenses and call
- signs should be allowed to recoup those call signs in the first
- priority group. The second gate in the priority system would be
- opened to Extra Class licensees; a priority third gate would be
- opened to Advanced Class licensees. The League says it will also
- recommend that one by one prefix call signs be made available for
- limited duration special events that are of national significance.
- The April 6th recommendations were based on membership input
- solicited by the committee. A copy of the committee's complete
- report is available for an SASE from the Regulatory Information
- Branch at League Headquarters, and on electronic services
- including CompuServe, America On Line, Prodigy, and the ARRL
- Bulletin Board.
- (*****
- The ARRL has also petitioned the FCC to increase the minimum
- number of members necessary for granting a club station license
- from two to four. The League says that the FCC's 1993 notice of
- proposed rule making to reinstitute club licensing makes this a
- timely issue.
- In 1990, the League, as part of a petition for rule making
- seeking miscellaneous changes in the Amateur Service Rules,
- proposed the same change. At the time, no club station licenses
- were being issued, but the League said that if that program was
- resumed, the two-person criteria would invite applications from
- parties that are not clubs, such as two or three licensees simply
- wanting an alternative call sign.
- The League believes that the two-person criterion is
- insufficient to distinguish bona fide clubs from two or three
- individuals who do not function as a normal Amateur Radio club.
- By way of example league says that of 1,957 Amateur Radio clubs
- that are ARRL-affiliated, only 10 have fewer than four members.
- Until 1976, the FCC required an application for a club station
- license to file copies of the club's constitution and bylaws,
- which helped ensure that the club was bona fide. But the FCC has
- not issued club station licenses since 1979. So the commission
- declined to change the criteria, since new club licenses were not
- being issued.
- The Leagues request has designated as RM-8462.
- (*****
- The ARRL has now begun mailing amateur radio license expiration
- notices to its members. The notices, including an envelope
- addressed to the FCC's processing facility in Gettysburg, PA, are
- sent 90 days before the license expiration date and are generated
- from the official FCC database. All addresses are being cross
- checked with the ARRL membership database and the QST magazine
- mailing address is used if it is different from the address in the
- FCC database. This the League says is being done for both
- accuracy and to insure prompt delivery.
- (*****
- Now for an update on next weeks Dayton Hamvention starting
- with word that Radio Shack for the first time ever it is
- recognizing this very popular ham radio event. An advertisement
- page 22 of the latest Radio Shack flyer heralds a banner
- proclaiming "Dayton Hamvention Ham Convention Specials." It also
- invites readers to --and we quote -- "Plan to visit the worlds
- largest and most famous Ham gathering, the Dayton Hamvention with
- its Giant Flea market, exhibits and activities for the family
- taking place April 29, 30 and May 1 at the HARA Arena, Dayton
- Ohio." Radio Shack also offers their popular 2 meter and 70 cm
- hand-held FM transceivers at substantial savings off their usual
- prices.
- (*****
- One ham who is definitely going to be at next weeks Dayton
- Hamvention is Dick Newell, AK1A. Newell and his Packet Cluster
- software have become a staple on the VHF and UHF bands worldwide.
- As a result Newell is the winner of this years Dayton Amateur
- Radio Associations Technical Achievement Award.
- Mr. Newell is being recognized for his efforts in amateur radio
- through the creation of the packet cluster concept. As well as
- the software that supports it. AK1A first started working on the
- packet cluster concept in 1986.
- "I designed the protocol to talk, to hook these computers up
- together. They exchange information with each other and send what
- nodes that are connected to each station, which users are
- currently connected to the system. And then when somebody does an
- announcement or DX spot it gets distributed to each node. Then
- the node is responsible and the software sends it to all the users
- that are locally connected to that node." Dick Newell, AK1A.
- Packet cluster has grown from just a small number of computers
- linked together.
- "The number of amateurs that use packet cluster all the time is
- probably between 35,000 to 40,000 amateurs." Dick Newell, AK1A.
- Mr Newell was humbled and surprised by the award.
- "I was completely surprised, I had no idea that I was even
- being considered. I consider it a very big honor. That is all I
- can say. I was very surprised." Dick Newell, AK1A.
- Dick Newell, AK1A will receive the 1994 Technical Excellence
- Award at the Grand Banquet to be held Saturday evening, April the
- 30th at the Dayton Convention Center located in downtown Dayton.
- (*****
- "The World of FM and Repeaters" is a new monthly column by
- Newsline producer Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF premiering in the May
- issue of Worldradio News. According to Pasternak, he was enticed
- into writing the column after it was pointed out to him that no
- publication other than QST Magazine was devoting any regular
- page-space to the largest sub-group within the United States
- Amateur Radio service.
- Pasternak says that the Worldradio FM and repeater column will
- not be a rehash of his old "Looking West" that ran 22 years in 73
- Magazine. Instead Bill says that he will use the world-wide news
- gathering potential of Newsline to procure timely information that
- is vital to the day to day on-air operations of all FMers,
- repeater licensees, system owners and repeater users. The column
- will also solicit original articles and papers from prominent
- FMers, repeater groups and frequency coordination councils. You
- can meet Bill at the Worldradio News booth at next weeks Dayton
- Hamvention. He will also be hosting two forum sessions at
- Hamvention '94 as well.
- (*****
- Former NASA Astronaut Tony England, W0ORE, will be the keynote
- speaker at the Southwest Ohio QCWA dinner in Dayton, Ohio on
- Friday, April the 29th. The event also takes place Hamvention
- weekend at the Continental restaurant which is located about a
- half mile west of Interstate 75 on State Route 725. The dinner
- gathering begins at 7:30 PM.
- (*****
- The Russians are really taking to electronic mail in a big
- way. The March 9 New York Times notes in a story that Russians
- are taking to e-mail in a big way, some of them even being able to
- access the Internet. "We can use the Library of Congress in five
- minutes, while it takes a magazine from the US three months to
- reach Russia," a Russian scientist said.
- (*****
- DX
- In DX, word that the Radio Society of Great Britain has
- scheduled its 1994 International HF and Islands on the Air
- Convention for October 7 to 9, 1994. Included this year is a 30th
- birthday party for IOTA. The convention will be held at the
- Beaumont Conference Centre in Old Windsor, Berkshire. More than a
- dozen speakers already have signed on, including Peter Casier,
- ON6TT, one of the 3Y0PI Peter I Island expedition operators, and
- Roger Western, G3SXW/ZD9SXW. For more information, contact E. N.
- Cheadle, G3NUG, Further Felden, Longcroft Lane, Felden, Hemel
- Hempstead, Herts HP3 0BN.
- (*****
- When amateur radio operators get the go-ahead to request vanity
- callsigns... one radio club already has a particular call sign in
- mind. Members of wars -- West Alabama Amateur Radio Society, will
- ask the FCC to grant W4WYN as the club's new call sign. It's the
- Club's way of paying tribute to a special amateur radio operator:
- Don McDaniel. McDaniel was a driving force in amateur radio in
- Tuscaloosa, Alabama, for many years. He was a close friend of
- many wars members -- and was very active in public service. In
- fact, McDaniel was always one of the first to volunteer, any time
- emergencies arose. WARS members say having W4WYN as their club
- call sign would be a fitting tribute to Don McDaniel... an amateur
- radio operator admired by all who knew him.
- (*****
- And for this week, that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline.
- You can write to us at Post Office Box 463, Pasadena, CA 91102.
- Next week a full report on planned activities at Hamvention 94.
- Please check it out.
- (* * * Newsline Copyright 1994 all rights are reserved. * * *
- --
- < ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^>
- < "Big Steve" Coletti >
- < Shortwave Listener, Broadcaster, Computer Consultant >
- < and all around nice guy >
- < Internet: bigsteve@dorsai.dorsai.org ==== S.COLETTI2@genie.geis.com >
- < UUCP: steve.cole@islenet.com ==== steveny@lopez.marquette.mi.us >
- < Fidonet: 1:278/712 US Mail: P.O. Box 396, New York, NY 10002 >
- < Voice: +1 212 995-2637 >
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ------------------------------
- Date: 25 Apr 94 06:41:26 GMT
- From: news-mail-gateway@ucsd.edu
- Subject: Callserver
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- The callserver that I have found to have the lastest database (~NOV 93) is
- Telnet to pc.usl.edu port 2000
- This will get you there direct, type help for on-line commands...
- --
- #############################################################################
- #Talk to ya, Dave "Hey, hey, soldier, where ya goin' to?" #
- # "Going to the U.S. Army Airborne School!" #
- #Michigan Tech University "Hey soldier don't y'know Benning is hot?"#
- #(where it's too @#*! cold!) "And Sergeant Airborne'll dog ya a lot!" #
- #dmgillah@mtu.edu "I ain't gonna whine, I ain't gonna beg," #
- #KB8POR@W8YY.#upmi.mi.usa.na "I'm just tired of bein' a stinkin' leg!" #
- #############################################################################
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 24 Apr 1994 01:57:42 GMT
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!swrinde!sgiblab!wetware!spunky.RedBrick.COM!psinntp!psinntp!pool!utdp@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: CARS
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- I would like to know what cars don't like ham radio equipment....the following
- I am considering purchasing:
- Saturn SL@
- Saturn SL2
- Escort GT
- Dodge Shadow
- I have heard of car coimputers going wild when operators key their mike
- --
- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
- Tom Prohigh (utdp@sunyit.edu or tom0624@aol.com) /N2SXR call sign \
- \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
- ------------------------------
- Date: 25 Apr 1994 02:56:05 -0400
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!news.ans.net!hp81.prod.aol.net!search01.news.aol.com!not-for-mail@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: Dangerous RF/Microwave fields
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <kludgeCopwDJ.CEI@netcom.com>, kludge@netcom.com (Scott Dorsey)
- writes:
- >Does anyone know what is considered dangerous RF and Microwave signals.
- >Somehow I remember that between 100K and 30GHz your not suppose to expose
- >human's to more than 194V/meter (the spec could have been either an ANSI,
- >IEEE, or OSHA spec).
- Unfortunately I don't recall the precise spec, but there is a current ANSI
- limitation that is frequency selective, specified in both mW/cm2 and V/m. I
- believe it's ANSI C95.1 (1992). An article referring to same appeared in the
- last two years of the Proceedings of the IEEE (sorry for the precision, but I
- can't find the article in my pile of xeroxed stuff!)
- The old OSHA standard was 194 V/m (which translates to 10mW/cm2 FAR FIELD),
- frequency independent. That spec was revised to correspond with the human
- bodies increased absorption of EMag between 300MHz and 3 GHz. In some cases
- (if memory serves) the new spec is 20 dB more stringent than the old.
- nx7u@aol.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 25 Apr 1994 03:47:40 GMT
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!usc!howland.reston.ans.net!gatech!kd4nc!ke4zv!gary@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: SWR & Power Loss
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <2pf3ma$f16@bones.et.byu.edu> haymoree@newt.ee.byu.edu (Ed Haymore) writes:
- >Here's a question that's been bothering me for some time -- an article
- >in April's QST reminded me of it.
- >
- >This article, and other material I've seen, pooh-pooh the idea of a low
- >SWR. (Maybe I should preface this by saying I'm not a 1:1 SWR fanatic,
- >though. :-) These articles say that as long as you have low-loss cable,
- >most of the energy bouncing back and forth between the transmitter and
- >the antenna ends up going out the antenna anyway.
- >
- >My question is: since the transmitter is matched to the line, why does
- >the reflected energy coming from the antenna get reflected again at the
- >transmitter? Why isn't it all (or mostly) absorbed in the finals?
- The finals are not a *load*. The line is matched to the final's "load
- line" which is a mathematical fiction used to describe the device's
- *output* impedance. That impedance is simply E/I for the stage. It's
- not a resistor. The transmitter is a source, not a sink. Consider a
- fire hose, try spitting *into* an operating fire hose. How much of
- your spit gets flung right back in your face?
- Gary
- --
- Gary Coffman KE4ZV | You make it, | gatech!wa4mei!ke4zv!gary
- Destructive Testing Systems | we break it. | uunet!rsiatl!ke4zv!gary
- 534 Shannon Way | Guaranteed! | emory!kd4nc!ke4zv!gary
- Lawrenceville, GA 30244 | |
- ------------------------------
- Date: 25 Apr 1994 03:11:15 -0400
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!news.ans.net!hp81.prod.aol.net!search01.news.aol.com!not-for-mail@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: SWR & Power Loss
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <1994Apr25.034740.8791@ke4zv.atl.ga.us>, gary@ke4zv.atl.ga.us (Gary
- Coffman) writes:
- >This article, and other material I've seen, pooh-pooh the idea of a low
- >SWR. (Maybe I should preface this by saying I'm not a 1:1 SWR fanatic,
- >though. :-) These articles say that as long as you have low-loss cable,
- >most of the energy bouncing back and forth between the transmitter and
- >the antenna ends up going out the antenna anyway.
- >My question is: since the transmitter is matched to the line, why does
- >the reflected energy coming from the antenna get reflected again at the
- >transmitter? Why isn't it all (or mostly) absorbed in the finals?
- Well it depends. The precise scenario you describe is correct (I believe)--if
- the final amp is really Z0 ohms output feeding a transmission line of z0 ohms
- characteristic impedance, then any reverse travelling wave sees no mismatch at
- that junction, and that power is absorbed by the amplifier and essentially
- converted to heat.
- Which would explain why your fan on that solid-state rig runs harder when
- you're delivering into a crappy load :-)
- If there is a tuner involved it's a different story. The tuner establishes a
- conjugate match at the amp/line junction, so there *is* a mismatch there.
- Reflected energy re-reflected from the amp/line junction, and any power not
- reflected is again dissipated in the amp as heat. The point of the conjugate
- match is to insure that the re-reflected voltage appears essentially in phase
- with the original incident voltage to maximize the power transfer.
- The problem with using the tuner at the TX output is that the SWR of the line
- can cause additive heat losses in the coax beyond the nominal dB/100'
- specification. This occurs because at current peaks in the standing wave on
- the coax, there's more I2R loss. Although the SWR has to get pretty high (like
- 10:1) for this phenomenon to have much effect.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 25 Apr 1994 02:29:33 GMT
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!swrinde!gatech!newsxfer.itd.umich.edu!news1.oakland.edu!vela.acs.oakland.edu!prvalko@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: Yaesu FT-530 - MANUAL
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- 1) Dial in the freq you want to memorize.
- 2) hit the FUNC button
- 3) use up/down button or the tuning knob to select a memory channel
- 4) hit the MR button.
- the rig will also store power info, rpt offset, and PL freqs.
- opps.
- vi and I don't get along.... 73 wb8zjl
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Hams Digest V94 #455
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